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Search on middle names as well as first names when doing credit checks. Many people will sometimes use middle names instead of their first names.
Always do a name search, even if you have the correct ID number.
Our Integrated letter writing service allows authorized users to communicate with our standard menu of letters and immediately affect the credit rating of those being written. These letters range from letters thanking customers for prompt payment, or paying off the account on time to letters informing customers that their account has been assigned to a bailiff or debt collection agency. The type of letter that is used automatically causes the credit rating and/or the status code to be changed, and thus immediately allows our subscribers access to this information.
In addition to the letters that are printed on our subscriber’s letterhead, CCBL also can write letters on behalf of our subscribers. Our credit management workshops are used to train users in how to use letters effectively. Our menu of letters can be customized, so that they exactly address the type of business and exact needs of our subscribers.
Our most effective letter is one written on our letterhead, but requesting that the debtor pay our subscriber directly. The letter is worded along the following lines:
Our client, <<Your Company>> has written to us and reported your delinquency to us. While they value your business, they need to get paid and have asked that we communicate this to you.
Your continued delinquency to <<Your Company>> will result in a worsening of your credit rating, and hence will make it more difficult for you to qualify for credit. In addition, failure to pay this outstanding debt may result in further collection action being taken against you, which would result in additional collection cost (and legal fees).
Protect your credit rating and avoid additional fees & cost and pay this debt within 15 days of the date of this letter. Within this period you can still pay the debt to <<Your Company>> directly. When doing so, please include an additional $35.00, the cost of writing this letter.
Classification of Letters
The following menu of letters can be used to correspond with your customers, and at the same time affect their credit rating and/or status code. The letters are classified into 6 categories. These are:
Customer Service & Thank You Letters
These letters generate an Excellent or Very Good (1 or 2) credit rating, with status code Active/Inactive but in all cases should the account be Current. The range of letters include; letters thanking the customer for their business and prompt payment, thank you for settlement of invoice, thanks for completion of HP contract. These letters help to build goodwill and report good payment histories to CCBL.
Friendly Reminder Notices
These letters are used to follow up on invoices sent, or a missed installment, where the delinquency is minor, and the due date not too long past. They will cause the status code to be reported as delinquent on the date reported. The credit rating will still be reasonably good and can be either a 2 or a 3. The customer can easily improve this rating by paying the arrears immediately, and you thanking the customer with one of the customer service letters.
Follow up Correspondence
These letters are a bit more demanding, and are sent after previous communication not producing the desired result. The rating can be either a 3 or a 4, and the status code will be Delinquent.
Credit Bureau Letters
This is a letter that appears on our letterhead, and informs your customer that we have been asked to write to them requesting that they pay you directly and avoid any debt collection expenses. They are asked to include a fee for the letter that we have written in their payment to you.
Collection letters
These are letters that are used to assign accounts for collection, and by registered debt collectors to follow up on the debts that are assigned to them for collection. These letters result in the credit history showing a Collection code COL and a credit rating of 6 or 7. The status code can be either RP (Repossessed), CT (Court Action Being Taken), I/D (Inactive & Delinquent)