Our Services:
What's new: We just relaunched the site with a new design and more information and content. In the future, this will be the place where all new features and updates of our services will be announced.
Terms of Use:
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- User Conduct and Obligations
Search on middle names as well as first names when doing credit checks. Many people will sometimes use middle names instead of their first names.
Always do a name search, even if you have the correct ID number.
Credit History, Delinquencies, Bad Debt, Rental Arrears and Returned Cheque Information can be reported to us, on-line, real-time through WIRE. Reward prompt payments with good credit ratings, encourage customers to pay on time and develop loyalty and goodwill.
Using an Internet browser of their choice authorized users can report delinquency, bad debt, “bounced” cheque, as well as prompt payment information, which will be immediately recorded in our files. This instantly affects the credit rating of the reported entity. When a subsequent credit check is done, the reported information will be accessible to our inquiring subscriber. When other subscribers decline credit, refuse to accept cheques, or demand more security as a result of the delinquency information reported to us, it encourages settlement of overdue financial obligations among subscribers. “Peter helps Paul to get paid”. WIRE encourages prompt settlement of arrears and returned cheques, improves cash flow, and assists in Increasing the Profitability of Credit.